Michigan Funeral Representation
As of mid-June 2016, a new order of priority provides the opportunity to designate a funeral representative resource other than a direct spouse or relative. Farewell Rites is committed to fulfilling this role and executing final wishes as established by individual client requests.
Previous Michigan Law
Prior to the new Michigan law that allowed for the designation of a funeral representative, there was often confusion regarding who had the legal authority to make decisions about one's funeral arrangements and the disposition of the body. The law only permitted one's spouse, children, or close relatives to make such decisions, and there was no provision to appoint a specific representative from among those individuals. This restriction created a lot of tension in situations where children could not come to an agreement on the funeral arrangements, there were no close relatives nearby at the time of the person's passing, or if there was an estranged relationship.

Who can now serve as a Funeral Representative in Michigan?
The state of Michigan has recently introduced a new law which gives you the freedom to choose who will make decisions regarding your funeral arrangements after your death. This means that you are no longer limited to only your spouse or relatives for this role. Instead, you can name anyone over the age of 18 to serve as your funeral representative, subject to certain exceptions. Furthermore, you can also name a successor funeral representative in case the first-named person is unable to act.
​This new role of a funeral representative is especially important if you do not have any family members or if they are not living close by. You can now choose a close friend or pastor to act as your funeral representative, providing you with the assurance that your final wishes will be carried out without any delay.

New Order of Priority
The new order of priority in Michigan for someone to have the legal authority to make decisions regarding the disposition of your body is as follows:
If you are a service member, the person who represents you may be designated by federal law
Your surviving spouse
Your children (over age 18)
Your grandchildren (over age 18)
Your parents
Your grandparents
Your siblings
This is a much more specific list than the previous law and gives greater clarity to a funeral home regarding who has legal priority to make decisions. The new law also makes clear that if a person with the highest priority cannot be found, elects not to serve as the funeral representative, or fails to perform any duties within 48 hours of your death, the person(s) with the next highest priority has the right to act.
Who cannot serve as a Funeral Representative in Michigan?
The following categories of persons are not allowed to serve as your funeral representative (unless the person is also your spouse or close relative):
- A licensed health professional
- An employee or volunteer of a health or veteran’s facility that provided care during your final illness
- An officer or employee of a funeral establishment that will provide services for you
- An officer or employee of a cemetery where you will be interred
- An officer or employee of a crematory where you will be cremated
- In addition, the law provides that anyone who has been criminally charged with your intentional murder is not allowed to serve as your funeral representative.

How is a Funeral Representative Chosen?
You can designate who you want to serve as your funeral representative in your will, in your health care power of attorney document, or a separate document either witnessed by two other persons or notarized.
While the law says that a funeral representative designation in a will is valid even if the will is not probated, we recommend naming your funeral representative in a separate document. The funeral representative designation is a document designed to be reviewed by a funeral home or crematory, and there is no need for your entire will to be made public and reviewed by those establishments.
What are the duties of a Michigan Funeral Representative?
Your funeral representative has the “right and power to make decisions about funeral arrangements and the handling, disposition, or disinterment of a decedent’s body, including, but not limited to, decisions about cremation, and the right to possess cremated remains of the decedent.” MCL 700.1104(j).
Before being allowed to act, your funeral representative must sign an acknowledgment of their duties. The power to act is only effective after your death, and the power to act cannot be assigned to someone else by your funeral representative.
In addition, your funeral representative is specifically liable for ensuring payment of the costs related to the disposition of your body, whether through insurance, another person, your estate, or the funeral representative. [Note: I can see a situation where a person declines to serve as a funeral representative due to a fear he or she will be stuck with the funeral bill, so it is important to have a conversation with your funeral representative on how your wishes will be paid for after your death].

How is the Funeral Representative Designation Revoked?
You may revoke your designation of a funeral representative in the same manner as you designated the representative, which will require a notary or two witnesses to the written revocation. The law also provides, upon your divorce, for the automatic revocation of a designation naming an ex-spouse.
Information provided by westmichiganlaw.com